Week 2 – Getting Control Of Thoughts To Create The Life You Want.


How our thoughts have power

We have a choice we can react to the world around us or we can choose our thoughts and realise we have the power to create the world around us.

Our subconscious mind is much more powerful than our conscious mind.  It is like soil that needs to be planted with the right information.  If you plant weeds in the soil then that is what you will get.  If you plant a bulb and look after that bulb and nurture it then you will get a beautiful flower.  You reap what you sow so to speak.   We need to protect your mind from the outside influences that do not service us. We don’t want to cultivate the weeds.  By feeding our mind with simple instructions that cultivate positive thoughts and images then we realise that we are the farmers. It is not just skill and ability that enables us to get what we want.  It is the good habits that we form consistently that enables us to reach our goals.  Creating daily habits over time will become effortless.

We are always training our brain so we can either choose to train it with good habits or bad habits.  Let’s therefore be more conscious of what we are feeding our brain.


Getting closer to my definite major purpose

Over this week I have become much more conscious of what my Definite Major Purpose is in life.  I have always been interested in health and nutrition.  Even more so in my 20s when I had some health issues.  When I visited the Doctor a number of times I didn’t get the answers I was looking for.  That is when I went on my own journey of self discovery, I did my own research and managed to make a full recovery using exercise and good nutrition.  In my early 30s I went from being an computer engineer to retrain as a fitness instructor and Pilates teacher.  Over the years I have learned a great deal about nutrition and exercise.  As well has having a keen interested in self improvement.  When I joined a network marketing company I really loved learning how my mindset and attitude affects everything.  I am very lucky to be in good health.  At 40 I look better than I have ever have looked before and I have more energy than I ever have.  What I am realising is that for other people who are the same age as me they are not so lucky.  I met a friend who I hadn’t seen for 20 years and at 39 years old he has high cholesterol.  I met another friend who at 30 years old has gut problems.  I realise when it comes to my life purpose I can help these people to improve their health with the knowledge I have in nutrition.  In the past I may have compared myself to top nutritionists however compared to the average person my knowledge is very credible.  I would like to help people using social media as this is the best way to reach a lot of people.

箔-e-vziey-s-ask-p-hird-ea-at-we-thin-we-eatee-12267357The law of attraction

Let us go back to the power of our thoughts.  In particular how we manifest.

This week I had a sign of my powers of creation.

I had a dream. Like any dream it didn’t make sense.  I dreamt I was in a house I had just bought (there were no curtains and the kitchen was bare).  I had a glass of gin that I decided to set alight. It went on fire and I placed a wet cloth over the top of the class that put the flames out.  Then here comes the interesting part.  The next thing I woke up to my smoke alarms going off.  It was the middle of the night and there was no reason for this to happen.  This has never happened before.  Did my thoughts create this?  What do you think?

Fiona xx




One thought on “Week 2 – Getting Control Of Thoughts To Create The Life You Want.

  1. Wow, what a dream,there! Well, there probably is a reasonable explanation for it, like the sensor running out of battery or malfunctioning but, why right then and there??

    With all that we’re learning through the MKE, the questions are valid!



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